The Two Lines: Aisha Abid Hussain, Jeauk Kang
전시일정: 10th Dec 2016 Sat – 30th Dec 2016 Sat
오프닝 리셉션: 10th Dec 2016 PM 3:00
장소: Hanmi Gallery – Seoul (한미갤러리 서울)
Curated by 10AAA&Space_바421
Organised by Hanmi Gallery
<한미갤러리–서울>에서는 프로젝트 그룹 <10AAA>, <스페이스 바421>와 함께 파키스탄 작가 에이샤 아비드 후세인과 강제욱 작가의 드로잉과 드로잉 퍼포먼스 비디오 영상 전시를 진행하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. 본 전시에서는 파키스탄과 한국이라는 두 개의 다른 문화배경을 가진 작가들의 흔적 드로잉을 만나게 됩니다. 사진을 이용하여 작품활동을하는 두 작가의 드로잉에 초점을 맞추어 진행한 ‘두개의 선들’ 전시는 우리 삶의 한 순간을 포착하여 드로잉을 사용하여 기록한 후세인의 ‘Two Not Together 시리즈 (2014)’ 과 강제욱 작가의 ‘Thinguniverse(2015)’ 작품을 준비하였습니다.
Hanmi Gallery is pleased to present The Two Lines, by artist Aisha Abid Hussain and Jeauk Kang with their drawings and drawing performance including video installation. The two different-culture originated artists made a trace drawing. In this show, we focus on the two artists (Aisha Abid Hussain, Jeauk Kang)’ drawing artworks. The title, The Two Lines, means the trace of our lifes’ moments selected by artist and recorded using drawing, Hussain’s Two Not Together Series (2014) and Kang’s Thinguniverse (2015). This exhibition is organised in collaboration with Space_BA421 & 10AAA.
Hussain explores the self, and the extension of life beyond subjective limits. She often uses self-portraits in the form of video art, with the discussion extending to the effects of global interaction and communication in the contemporary world. This allows for the parody superabundance, marketing, and mass media, presented as a personal account of engagements with these elements.
Kang sees all beings in the universe as what is not eternal. In this show, he will screen, Thinguniverse, the drawing performance video he had at Kunsthalle Bratislava in Slovakia. In the artwork, drawing includes the drawing activity with a pen on a white wall as well as the painting out-performance again.