39th Interim Exhibition: Persona

  • Artists: Go-Eun Im, Harald den Breejen, Tom Gidley
  • Curated by: Antoni Ferrer
  • 13 - 24 October 2014

Persona’s central subject of analysis is the Self. Questions such as Who am I or Where do I belong have exponentially become of vital importance for late modern individuals and collectives. Notions such as self and identity, once unquestioned and safely maintained by tradition, have undertook an process of transformation that responds to the changes brought by processes of globalisation. In this unprecedented situation, the Self is struggling to find a new vantage point from which to re-position itself in a radically different and increasingly complex world.


The three artists presented in Persona investigate notions of self, other and identity. They explore it in a variety of ways but, to some extent, they all agree in the fundamentally fragmented, fragile and incomplete nature of such constructions.