Junebum Park in About Town
- 13 - 16 November 2014
Hanmi Gallery are pleased to announce that Junebum Park will be showcasing his video ‘1 Parking’ in the About Town exhibition in Birmingham’s Southside district this November.
About Town is an exhibition of international video art taking place between 13 – 16 November 2014. Presented by Hippodrome Plus in partnership with Ikon Gallery, About Town, exhibits a wide variety of free night-screenings by artists from the UK and abroad, in unusual urban spaces.
New commissions inspired by their location, alongside pieces from Ikon Gallery’s recent programme, will explore everyday city life and reflect on how we shape and are shaped by our surroundings. About Town audiences will intersperse their artistic experiences with short walks through streets brimming with local interest.
The Gallan Car Park, Hurst Street will see a combination of large scale installations, transforming it into a vast indoor landscape of moving imagery and ambient sound. Beat Streuli’s New Street (2013) will display projected sequences
of photographic stills across three large screens, capturing the summer atmosphere of Birmingham’s streets. Gillian Wearing’s Broad Street (2000) focuses its attention on Birmingham’s frenetic night-life. Oliver Beer’s film Pay and Display (2011) documents his collaboration with the city’s Ex Cathedra choir to create an experimental music video shot in a stairwell in the Pershore Street Carpark. Junebum Park’s video installation 1 Parking transforms the most ordinary of environments into extraordinary scenes in which the artist’s hands interfere with the forces and currents of our everyday lives in a way that is both comic and comforting.