Jaye Moon's Interactive Project at London Art Fair 2017
- 18-19-20-22 JANUARY 2017
‘Building a Shelter Together’
Working with Lego bricks to create eye-catching public art, New York-based Korean artist Jaye Moon runs this interactive and participatory project, where visitors can become part of the process via adding Lego blocks to the existing work, and are invited to bring their building blocks for the structures to grow gradually and organically. Moon’s use of blocks is reclaiming a space to gather people and conjures up a sense of childlike exploration and play. Moon will also combine everyday objects, such as plumbing pipes, water, buckets, food, plants, curtains, clothes, hangers and other materials as further reminders of shelters.
After the project is over, the work will be donated to local charity organisations so that they can build shelters too.